Power Supplies & Ultracapacitors
Nearly every product we design contains some sort of power supply so Prescient Wireless is very experienced in the area of power supply design. Our engineers have designed power supplies that can provide from a few milliamps up to several hundred Amps of current. We have also worked with high voltage including a 3500 volt power supply that achieved a market leading low cost.
Prescient Wireless engineers keep up to date with new technologies and apply them when they become economically feasible. One example is the replacement of batteries with ultracapacitors in power backup applications. Ultracapacitors can be charged and discharged over a million cycles with no degradation in capacity. They can provide enormous amounts of current over a short period of time. They can handle a wide range of temperature with no loss of capacity. With a proper design, an ultracapacitor based power backup system can last over 10 years without any maintenance making them a better solution than batteries for some power backup applications. Prescient Wireless engineers have developed multiple ultracapacitor products with state of the art designs that have resulted in patented solutions for our clients. Let Prescient Wireless analyze your power backup needs to determine if ultracapacitors can be used to give your product a competitive advantage.